Monthly Archives: December 2016

Today we celebrate the Feast of The Holy Innocents.  We remember the innocent children of Bethlehem who were slain by Herod in his quest to destroy the child Jesus (Matthew 2:13-18).

In this season of Christmas, as the light of the new born Christ shines once again, let us pray for all children –  that their physical, emotional and spiritual needs are met.  Let us pray that the evil of neglect and abuse is replaced by the good found in loving care, nurturing, and guidance.

Let us say a prayer today for all teens who are trying to find direction, to those who have been marginalized, to those facing confusion, hardship or despair – that God helps them to see through their own darkness and suffering and that they come to discover the loving and provident hand of God who is ever-faithful and will carry them through.

And let us pray for ourselves and all parents and child care-givers  – that we remain ever-thankful for the love, patience, sensitivity, and selflessness that God instills in us that allows us to reflect God’s love and compassion to our children, and that enables our children to come to love God and achieve a fullness of life.