Monthly Archives: January 2017

In the scripture of today’s mass we once again hear God’s call to us and the response God desires.

The prophet Zephaniah (Zephaniah 2:3, 3:12-13) advises that we “seek the Lord” – that we open our hearts and minds to God’s presence and God’s call, and that we embrace God’s way – one of humility, justice, and service.

In the same vein, Saint Paul (1 Corinthians 1:26-31) reminds us that we are chosen by God and that we must “consider our calling” – that we must dispose ourselves to the working of God’s Spirit in order to discern what God might be particularly calling us to.  Like Zephaniah, Paul also emphasizes what might seem counterintuitive – that it’s when we are “weak” and “lowly” – when we acknowledge our utter dependence on God, when we recognize that all our abilities and achievements are gifts from God – it is then that we come closer and closer in relationship with God and best serve each other.

And in today’s gospel (Matthew 5:1 -12a), our greatest teacher – Jesus – provides an “outline” for how we  best live out God’s will, and how we best gain in relationship with God and each other.  It is in the eight beatitudes that Jesus presents us with a great gift – the model of himself.  In those eight beatitudes Jesus is describing his own way  – one of kindness, gentleness, patience, tolerance, mercy, forgiveness, compassion, steadfastness, and perseverance – a way that is empowered by acknowledging our absolute dependence on, and trust in God.

In those eight beatitudes Jesus is telling us how we can be more like him, how we can best honor God and serve each other.  Jesus is telling us that we must embrace these God-like virtues deeply within our hearts in order to be faithful to God’s calling.  And Jesus tells us two other things – that we are not in this alone – that God is present to us at all times to help us in the ongoing transformation of our hearts and minds – and that by living our lives this way there awaits a great reward for us – happiness right now here on earth as we help God usher in his kingdom, and ecstasy in the world to come when that kingdom reaches its utmost fulfillment.

So we accept this great gift from Jesus. We embrace his beatitudes. We embrace his way.  We go forward, advancing each day in our relationship with Jesus and our ability to imitate him.  We go forward each day, more and more steadfast in our faith, with an increasing inclination to turn to God in both good times and bad.  We go forward each day growing in our desire to serve God by serving each other.  We embrace the beatitudes of Jesus – and we are blessed.