Daily Archives: January 1, 2018

Happy New Year!

Today we celebrate The Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God.

We celebrate a loving Mary – Mother of Jesus, and our Mother.

We celebrate a humble, selfless, and obedient Mary who, at the angel Gabriel’s greeting, gave her “yes” to God paving the way for our salvation.

We celebrate a joyous Mary – who at her cousin Elizabeth’s greeting, proclaimed her happiness in, and devotion to, our loving and merciful God.

We celebrate a patient and courageous Mary – who traveled a long distance across rough terrain to give birth in a stable.

We celebrate a steadfast Mary – who twelve years later during that Passover pilgrimage to Jerusalem desperately searched for her child when he disappeared.

We celebrate a trusting Mary – who twenty years later at that wedding feast in Cana, uttered the simple yet profound “do whatever he tells you” underlining her absolute and unwavering trust in her son and her Savior – her affirmation that for God nothing is impossible.

We celebrate a faithful Mary who during another Passover stood at the foot of her son’s cross with dignity and courage even amidst her trauma, grief, and uncertainty.

We celebrate Mary, God’s most blessed, who empathizes with us and intercedes for us out of love and compassion.

We celebrate Mary, who by her witness to God’s goodness and love gives us something very special to aspire to and to imitate.

Happy New Year!