On this Palm Sunday, for the opening of today’s mass, we celebrate Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem (Matthew1:1- 10).  Just a bit later in the mass we hear Matthew’s account of Jesus’ passion and death (Matthew 26:14 – 27:66).

It is remarkable how things changed so dramatically for Jesus in such a short period of time – how people turned on him when they could not accept the truth of who he said he was, the righteousness by which he lived, and the expectation that he had for those He encountered.

It can be the same for us.

At one moment we can celebrate and proclaim Jesus as our Lord and Savior, but then in the blink of an eye, in our pride and selfishness, we can turn our back on him, and through our sin crucify him all over again.

But our “saving grace” is God’s infinite mercy and forgiveness.

Just think about what we hear in the passion narratives of Matthew and Luke (Luke 22:14- 23:56) –

As Jesus is arrested in Gethsemane he stops to heal Malchus – the high priest’s servant.  As Jesus is being led away he forgives the disciples who abandoned him.  As Jesus is mocked and beaten, he forgives Peter for denying him.  As Jesus stands before the crowds in shackles, he allows himself to become the substitute for Barabbas, sparing this hardened criminal certain death.  As Jesus carries his cross he provides Simon with a most grace-filled opportunity to get close to him.  As nails are being driven into his hands and feet, Jesus begs his Father to forgive his torturers.  And as Jesus hangs on the cross he comforts the criminal hanging beside him, offering this repentant sinner unconditional forgiveness and assuring him a place in “paradise”.

Even in his agony, Jesus chose to reach out with love, mercy, and forgiveness. Anyone he encountered on that final journey to the cross was a recipient of his mercy and forgiveness.  Jesus withholds nothing.  He offers mercy and forgiveness to all.

This is what we celebrate this week – Jesus, God incarnate, our Savior – giving his all for us, always.




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