Bread for the journey home

In today’s’ scripture we once again hear of God’s great kindness and compassion.  In our Old testament reading (Exodus 16:2-4, 12-15) we hear of God’s great gift of manna to the Israelites as they wandered through the desert after the exodus from Egypt.  In today’s gospel reading (John 6:24-35) we hear of God’s great gift of Jesus to all of us.

For me both events point to God’s love, kindness, and compassion for us. 

In the first instance God rains down bread from heaven in order to satisfy physical hunger, and provide the necessary sustenance for the Israelites’ arduous journey.  God’s gift of  bread from heaven  not only quenches hunger, but also prompts the Israelites’  to look forward beyond their current situation in the desert to what lies ahead – their eventual entry into the promised land where they would establish a great nation and flourish.

In the second instance God, in Jesus, offers us the best remedy for our spiritual hunger.  Jesus offers himself – the bread of life – to us.  And in this instance, just like for the Israelites, God is not only satisfying our hunger but also prompting us to look beyond our current situation – beyond our lives here on earth, beyond all those worldly distractions that, in the end, are just that – distractions.  God is pointing us to what lies ahead – our eventual entry into the eternal promised land of heaven. 

It is true that by offering himself to us Jesus is helping to satisfy our spiritual hungers in this life.  It is also true that by offering himself to us, Jesus is helping to guide and support us through the trials that this life has in store for us.  But maybe most importantly, Jesus offers himself – the living bread – to us so that we might, as Paul suggests in our second reading today (Ephesians 4:17, 20-24), “put away our old self and our former ways…and put on a new self”.   Jesus offers us the gift of himself so that we might be transformed and achieve our ultimate destiny – eternal life with God.  Just like the Israelites, God – in Christ – rains down his grace on us, and points us to our home.  We thank God for this and embrace Jesus as our life.

One response to “Bread for the journey home

  1. Jim Zinsmeister

    Well said as always!

    “And Jesus said to them: I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall not hunger: and he that believeth in me shall never thirst.” John 6:35

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