The Psalm of today’s Mass (Psalm 139) has one of my favorite lines in all of scripture –

“O Lord, if I take the wings of the dawn, if I settle at the farthest limits of the sea, even there your hand shall guide me and your right hand hold me fast”

In this passage God is telling us that no matter where we are, no matter where we journey, no matter what the circumstance, He is there for us. In pleasant times, in times of great joy and happiness, in times when we celebrate the life that God has given us, He is there for us. In tough times, when the cross that we bear is heavy and burdensome, when anxieties and fears overwhelm us, God is there for us. When we experience the inevitable disappointments of life, when life’s contradictions confuse us, God is there for us. When we struggle in trying to live out God’s will in a world where many have little concern for God, when we might forget about God because of the distractions of the day, He is there for us. When our faith waivers, when we question God’s motives, when events cause us to wonder what God might be thinking, He is there for us. And even when we stray from the path that God has set out for us, even when we turn away from His call, even when our attitudes and actions are contrary to the holiness that we are called to, even then He is there for us. And when we inevitably return to God, once again seeking His friendship and forgiveness, He is always there waiting for us.

Our God has known us since the beginning of time.  He knows each one of us intimately.  Every moment of every day God seeks us out so that we might come to know and love Him more intimately.  And when we respond to His call, when we seek His embrace, each and every time God is there for us with open arms.

God is watching over us, He is taking care of us.  He loves us.  He is always there for us.

“O Lord, if I take the wings of the dawn, if I settle at the farthest limits of the sea, even there your hand shall guide me and your right hand hold me fast”

One response to “

  1. “And, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world.”
    Matthew 28:20

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