Daily Archives: November 19, 2017

In the gospel of today’s Mass we hear the parable of the talents (Matthew 25:14-30).

The message that Jesus conveys with this parable is clear – that we are called to use the gifts we have received from God to continue Jesus’ mission.  We are called to help advance the Kingdom of God here on earth and to spread the Good News that Jesus preached.   And this is meant to be an encouraging and consoling message, not one that causes anxiety or worry.  For if we keep our eyes focused on this mission – a mission that our loving God will help us achieve – the “reward” in store is something so great that we can’t even imagine it.

In this parable, I find most striking the master’s remark to his servants upon returning from his journey – “well done my good and faithful servant…come share my joy”.   I often imagine the day when I finally get to see Jesus face to face.  I can only hope that He greets me with these same words.  I’m sure all of us hope for this.

So we continue forward, asking God to help us conquer those aspects of our lives that might present obstacles to achieving our status as good and faithful servants.  We go forward asking God to continue to guide us so that we faithfully serve Him each day, by, among other things, serving each other with compassion, patience, tolerance, forgiveness, and love.  We go forward confident that if we ask this of our loving and gracious God He will grant this to us, that He will continue to guide us and to empower us to this end.  And we confidently look forward to the day when we will hear those most profound and splendid words from Jesus – “well done, my good and faithful servant…come share my joy”.