Daily Archives: July 9, 2017

In today’s Gospel (Matthew 11: 25-30) we hear those most comforting words spoken by Jesus – “come to me all you who labor and are burdened …take my yoke upon you and you will find rest… for my yoke is easy and my burden light”.

It is interesting that Jesus utters these words immediately after revealing the intimate relationship that he has with the Father – a relationship that Jesus says allows him to reveal God to us.

These two pronouncements by Jesus might seem a bit disjointed.  But they are really tightly bound.

Just think about it.

We all know how our lives can sometimes be somewhat complicated.  Life’s seeming contradictions can sometimes confuse us. The course that our life takes can sometimes lead to insecurity and anxiety.  Relationships sometimes disappoint us.  Sometimes we even feel uncertain about the meaning and purpose of our lives.

So maybe the most important way Jesus relieves our burdens is by helping us come to know and love God – by helping us draw into that relationship between Jesus and the Father.

Jesus says “come to me”.  He is inviting us into intimate relationship so that we might come to a greater knowledge and love of God and a greater knowledge of God’s purpose for us.  Jesus is inviting us in so that we might see how much God loves us, how special we are in God’s eyes, and  how our life’s meaning and purpose is derived most of all from our relationship with God.

Today, like every day, Jesus invites us in.  And today we once again recommit ourselves to answer this most gracious invitation.