Daily Archives: November 6, 2016

In today’s Old Testament reading (2 Maccabees 7) we hear of the remarkable strength and courage of the widow and her seven sons who are tortured and put to death because they would not renounce God.  In the widow and her sons we see a steadfastness emanating from their faith and hope – a faith centered on obedience to their faithful God, and a hope founded on God’s promise of resurrection and eternal life.

In Saint Paul’s letter (2 Thessalonians 2:16-3:5), Paul begins by reminding us that faith and hope are grace-filled gifts from our loving God.  Paul then helps us to realize that it is through these gifts that God “encourages our hearts” and instills in us the strength we need as we journey through this life, most particularly as we face difficulties and sufferings.

And in the Gospel (Luke 20:27-38) Jesus contrasts “this age” – the imperfect world we live in now – with the “coming age” where we will live in eternal perfection with God.  Jesus assures us that death will not have the final say – that as beloved children of God we will be raised anew and live forever.  It is in this promise that we ultimately place our faith and hope.

So we continue onwards.

We go forward in “this age” with encouraged hearts and our faith firmly placed in God’s loving plan for us. We go forward actively seeking to align ourselves with God’s will.  We go forward knowing  that even amidst our struggles and sufferings God is with us loving us.  And we go forward with our eyes fixed on the “coming age”, with the hope that only God can provide – a hope founded in Jesus’ resurrection, and the resurrection that awaits us all.