In today’s gospel (Mark 7: 1-23) we hear Jesus admonish the Pharisees because they were holding the Jewish people to religious ritual and practices focused on outward appearances.  Instead, Jesus points out that true religion has everything to do with what lies within. True religion is about one’s interior disposition – what lies in one’s heart and soul.  When the Pharisees gripe about his disciples, Jesus tells them that true religion is not about cleanliness of the hands, but rather cleanliness of the heart – an interior purity that we are called to as children of God. 

Jesus was telling the Pharisees that true religion is not about pride and self-righteousness – it is about humility, contrition, and the realization that we are all equal children of God.  True religion is not about judgmental attitudes – it is about understanding and accepting others.  True religion is not about glorification of self – it is about the realization of our dependence on God.  Rather than religious practices that exclude or marginalize, true religion is about being inclusive, attentive, and sensitive.  True religion is about helping to satisfy the needs and hungers of others.  True religion is about being compassionate, merciful, and forgiving. 

Jesus is telling us that any religious practices that contradict his law of love is not true religion.  Instead, true religion is all about living out Jesus’ law of love.  True religion is about cultivating a loving relationship with God – disposing ourselves to him, accepting his love, and loving him in return.  True religion is about cultivating loving relationships with our neighbors – reflecting  God’s love to all those we encounter.  True religion is allowing God’s Word and Spirit to dwell in us so that all aspects of our behavior are illuminated by love.  Practicing this religion is how we love and give glory to God.  This is the religion that Jesus taught.


One response to “

  1. Jim Zinsmeister

    Beautifully said. Thank you.

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