Daily Archives: October 2, 2016

Today’s scripture readings remind us of our call to embrace the gift of faith that God bestows on us, to nurture that gift, and to live up to the “demands” that this gift of faith presents to us.

In our first reading (Habakkuk 1:2-3;2:2-4) we hear God telling the prophet that the “vision” yet to be fulfilled – the fruition of God’s kingdom of peace and justice – calls for a faith response of hope and trust.

In Paul’s letter to Timothy (2 Timothy 1:6-8,13-14), Paul advises that faith calls for opening ourselves to an ever-deepening relationship with God – a willingness to allow God’s Spirit to increase in us and work in us.

In the Gospel (Luke 17:5-10) Jesus tells his disciples that God’s gift of faith calls for a concrete response to serve others – something that Jesus says we are “obliged” to do.

So we see that our faith calls for a response and is indeed “demanding”.  But we can also look at this from another angle – the ultimate benefit all of us can derive from our faith.  Through faith the prophet finds peace in the knowledge that in the end there will be vindication and relief.   Timothy finds strength for his missionary journey and the ability to bear the hardship and discouragement that went along with that.  And Jesus’ disciples will discover the joy that comes from serving God and neighbor by spreading the good news of Jesus Christ.

And it is the same for us. While our faith might place “demands” on us, it also leads us to a deeper and more intimate relationship with God.  Our faith brings us the peace, joy, and strength that comes from that relationship.

So we go forward acknowledging that our faith is the greatest of gifts from our loving God. We go forward with the same prayer that the disciples prayed to Jesus – “Lord, increase our faith”.